As you may have read in my last post, Addy was sick. I think it is possible that her first sickness may have had something to do with another first that was going on at the same time. She just had her first tooth break through! My wife and I were ecstatic when we first noticed it, another milestone in our little baby's life! I think Addy is excited too now that that thing is actually out, she going at my finger like a barracuda... that little day old tooth is a sharp little devil. Allie from "It's a Wonderful Life" blog, let me in on a commonly used statement around her house... "No, do not bite me". I'm wondering how often we will need to use that with our little cannibal. Right now, having her gnaw on my finger is cute, but I don't think it will be very cute if she chomps down while feeding (especially not cute to my wife). For now, I will try to have the sacrificial finger, and try to get her biting some of the chewing toys (especially Sophie the Giraffe). Allie also mentioned that the second tooth wasn't as bad for her little one, I'm happy about that, I really don't like seeing Addy sick or in pain. It does seem that her next tooth is going to be in soon, she will have her two bottom teeth, and that's it... such a cute quintessential baby look, up there with the curly flip mullet.