First Winter / First Spring
Friday, February 25, 2011
I wonder if Adeline realizes that in a month and a half the weather outside will be beautiful. It will be new life experience that she is yet to have. So far our walks outdoors have been very limited, due to the blistering, blizzard ridden first winter of her life. When we do get outside, she has barely been able to see around her behind her multiple layers of clothes... followed by multiple layers of blankets. Soon, honey, there will be sunny days with no huge mounds of cold white stuff (can you say snow? ... "sn...ooo...ww".. very good hun). Even though there is snow falling as I type this, you have to trust your Daddy, I have experience. Last year you may not have noticed, but you were alive in your Mommy's belly while the warm beautiful weather was happening in the waiting world. I can't wait for you to experience it outside with us. This is going to be the best Spring and Summer, EVER. This Winter hasn't been all bad, the snow can be pretty at times, I love a hot tea in the cold, Cuddling with Mommy... and I have you this year.