A word of warning (baby on the prowl)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

So, Adeline is just starting to take notice of her new furry little friends. I feel sorry for the little guys, I'm not sure if they know what is store for them now that she has her sights set on their luscious (easy to grab and pull) fur and their cute (spastic baby hand smashing) faces. I wrote a little something to forewarn them.

An Open Letter to Cats Everywhere: Sharing Your House With the New Little Human

Ok, there is a new little one around your house and your owners seem pretty keen on keeping her around. Don't panic, she will end up being one of your best friends in the long run. I will however, urge you to try to keep your distance for roughly 4-5 years. In this time if you get too close you may be subject to the following: repeated pulling of you fur; followed by laughing at your misfortune, uncontrolled fists that will hit you about the head and body; which won't be too painful at first; but will become annoying quick, biting and drooling, and an all around inability to relax. I understand that this will be trying at times, please bear with us, she is just trying to be your friend.

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